Monday 9 September 2013

RSPCA using social media for all creatures great and small !!

Welcome back all of my faithful readers!! :)

This week!
I will  be talking about a non-profit organisation ...the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals) and how this organisation in the social sector can benefit from using social media, in relation to McKinsey's Global Institute.

The RSPCA is a non-profit organisation that involved with animal welfare to prevent cruelty and promote their care and protection. It runs 40 shelters and spends more than $80 million every year on the services by corporate sponsorship, fundraising events and voluntary donations. RSPCA has become a large organisation by using social media such as a Facebook, Twitter, Blog and YouTube to communicate with people and it allows the RSPCA to benefit from the following value levers.

Collect information and insights:   - Gather information
                                                     - Crowd-source resources and solutions

mobilize resources:                     - Raising money
                                                 - Expand volunteer networks

Execute mission:                        - Educate the public
                                                 - Engage supporters

▲ some of the McKinsey's levers for achieving social business value

Raising Money: RSPCA has a donation link in their social media to gain amounts of donations. It inspires all people to make donation via Facebook page.

Expand volunteer networks & Educate the public: social media is the great way to engage with supporters and educate followers about what they are doing. e.g) post upcoming events, news, etc. on the facebook page, using hash tag(Twitter).

                                    ▲ Using HashTag promoting

                                        ▲ Example of Funding

RSPCA can be a good example of non-profit organisation using social media to achieve their major goal. However, keeping volunteers engaged for continuous support can be really hard. They need to find the ways to improve their social media strategy so that they can get more supports. 

Thank you for reading and See you next time :)
(Please feel free to leave any comments or questions) 


  1. Hi Heerak!

    Awesome post! I also love the RSPCA and any organisation that aims to protect endangered wildlife and give a home for stay animals. You might be interested in my post dedicated to the WWF - a similar organisation as the RSPCA. Sad news is the RSPCA that was located up the road from my house was recently removed by the Brisbane City Council :(

    In terms of your blog - you successfully identified the associated value levers related to the RSPCA. Its crazy how social media can play such a big part in advertising for non profit organizations! Some constructive criticism would be in the areas that you mentioned RSPCA had a company Facebook, Youtube and Twitter accounts - I recommend that you hyper-link these so that the user can easily be directed for further interest. Other than that, good use of images to keep the reader interested.
    Well written!

  2. Hi Heerak Woo,
    I agree with you, as the raise in popularity in social media has been helping these non-profit organisations a lot by helping them easily spread awareness about the issue their trying to solve.
